
Player Analysis for League - PREMIER DIVISION Base Points 3500

86 Players have played in this league so far this season
Player Matches Played Start of Season Points Current Points Gain/Loss
Robert Downer (16884)231403505365
Max Tunon (16981)2350035000
Joe Lee (17036)335003490-10
Gareth Naidoo (17146)235003480-20
Ruudi Clarke (17080)135003450-50
Curtis Malik (13380)63350340050
Richie Fallows (16299)23372339220
Charlie Lee (14639)23373338310
Perry Malik (13383)83307333225
Jack Martell (10837)103296333135
Rui Soares (15088)231963316120
Ben Hutton (6810)732543249-5
Brandon Hanley (6563)1032753195-80
Jonah Bryant (14631)123083316380
Matt Ellicott (6567)231523137-15
Pete Higgins (16102)103070310030
David Martell (6906)532403080-160
Dean Newberry (16777)1630983078-20
Phil Bull (11682)1631663071-95
Joe De La Fuente (14115)028253055230
Daniel West (15842)832643049-215
Torrie Malik (13887)162937301275
Jasmine Hutton (11622)02922300785
David Poulton (16239)630933003-90
Pip France (17198)2300030000
Jordan Warne (16226)22925296540
Richard Campbell (16228)52892295765
Ben Hansford (6621)1929772947-30
Charlie Warne (11483)129372932-5
Matt Lidington (11189)430852930-155
Chris O'Neill (14710)62858292870
Jacob Flack (8976)828152920105
Charles Fuente (6572)192890290515
Joss Sim-Baskar (13341)1929302900-30
Matt Pelling (6212)1229652885-80
James Gibbins (16378)22822288260
Henry Bitmead (16717)92863287310
Damon Chase (13189)2228792869-10
Oscar Flack (11841)232781286685
Ashley Hughes (14155)1286428640
Matt Wagg (16718)828952860-35
Ben Holding (8262)82840285515
Luke Howlett (10894)1428902845-45
Nick McGuigan (8101)1222732843570
Andy Birch (6841)1228352820-15
Vincent Lawrence (6483)728302805-25
Oliver Dixon (15953)929352795-140
Camron Malik (13379)1028152790-25
Martin Wallbank (8964)92760278020
Charlie Gibson (15617)1025052720215
Josh Jacobs (16883)112600269090
Fraser Williams (8294)026942619-75
Caleb Boy (16982)620002600600
Jake Sim-Baskar (13956)023452595250
Anthony Rogal (16237)322952500205
Alisdair Shapcott (14633)418922192300
Ben Kinnison (16143)31302133230